Em 2014 ao verem a situação da guerra na Síria e o
numero de refugiados que essa guerra estava gerando, um grupo de brasileiros decidiu fazer algo. Esse grupo de brasileiros formaram então uma primeira equipe de voluntários com profissionais das mais diversas áreas e partiram a Turquia
(País que mais recebeu refugiados no mundo) para fazer em prol dos refugiados.
Ao chegarem lá, eles se depararam com uma enorme
necessidade e começaram então a fazer um levantamento
sobre quais as melhores estratégias para prover amparo e
suporte a quem tudo perdeu na guerra. Foi ai então que
eles começaram a montar equipes que iriam a Turquia por
15 dias, sendo assim as equipes começaram a ser montadas
e irem, as que equipes que tinham médicos, enfermeiras, psicólogos, dentistas e profissionais na área da
educação só começaram a aumentar de janeiro de
2014 a janeiro de 2018 mais de 100 voluntários foram
a Turquia e Grécia.
Em janeiro de 2018 quatro brasileiros que estavam
desde a primeira edição dessas viagens
perceberam a necessidade de não somente levar
equipes de curto prazo mas montar um projeto a
longo prazo. Eles então abriram em Istanbul um
espaço de apoio ao refugiado que prove aos
refugiados os seguintes serviços: Escola de Inglês,
Curso Jiu Jitsu, Cursos profissionalizantes
Atualmente a Borders of Love conta com 20
voluntários de longo prazo que vivem na Turquia
e atuam nas áreas citadas acima
When I visited the school which Lucas and Jozi were helping to take care of in Turkey, I noticed how everything is done with love. The results are visible and their team always values each student’s growth.
Nowadays, I am in partnership with them: I sell necklaces and all the proceeds go to Borders of Love. In return, they keep me updated and it’s a privilege to be able to help the Syrian and Turkish people in this way.
I’m so grateful to have discovered this project.
Julia Castanheiro
Audiovisual producer
I know the directors and the work of Borders of Love well.
For me, they are great examples of what it means to work with refugees. As we are experiencing one of the biggest waves of refugees the world has ever seen, we need people who are ready to meet the urgent needs and care for all involved.
I recommend that you get involved and support this NGO that has already done so much to help those who have had to flee their homes because of war.
Marco Antônio
Film producer and director
I had the opportunity to work with the refugees in Turkey for 5 years. During my final year I served as the Financial and Human Resources coordinator for the humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF). It was in this context that I had the opportunity to get to know the work developed by Lucas and his team.
I still remember the early days, when the project was still a dream. I have seen this dream become reality, while the team have worked on every detail of this project with so much love and professionalism. Turkey has become a home to so many refugees. Much help is needed in many areas and I’m happy that Borders of Love works hard to meet those needs.
Financial Coordinator ABB-Brazil Institute
I got to know this social project that works with vulnerable people when I was with Lucas and Jozi in Turkey. I saw first-hand how they, together with the volunteers, worked with relentless dedication, love and passion day in, day out. I have seen the impact of this project on the lives of the people during my outreach with them in Turkey and Greece and even now I can see the results through their updates on social media and their newsletters. I sincerely recommend this project and would urge anyone to be a part of the development.
Social Project Coordinator
We had the memorable opportunity of being in Istanbul, Turkey, with Lucas and his family, and learning about their Syrian refugee children project first-hand. We witnessed the diligence and zeal with which Lucas and his wife perform every task and we were deeply touched by what they are building, giving us new meaning to our worldview. It is clear that we are facing the biggest refugee crisis in history, and in the midst of this hardships faced by children, this project is bringing enormous encouragement.
Working like this is an inspiration and challenge for the world today, aiming to bring "life" and joy to children without hope. I challenge you to learn more about this formidable project, which has transformed the reality of many little ones
Gisele and Diego Lagos
Businessmen - Campinas
There are no boundaries for love and for those who decide to love. Borders of Love is a project born in the heart of Lucas and Josi, who left everything they had in Brazil to, together with their children, take care of refugee and undocumented children in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a witness of their seriousness, dedication, engagement and commitment to the school they coordinate in Turkey, which, based on educational projects, aims to ensure the dignity of all children, regardless of their nationality.
International Criminal Law & Protection of children