Em 2014 ao verem a situação da guerra na Síria e o
numero de refugiados que essa guerra estava gerando, um grupo de brasileiros decidiu fazer algo. Esse grupo de brasileiros formaram então uma primeira equipe de voluntários com profissionais das mais diversas áreas e partiram a Turquia
(País que mais recebeu refugiados no mundo) para fazer em prol dos refugiados.
Ao chegarem lá, eles se depararam com uma enorme
necessidade e começaram então a fazer um levantamento
sobre quais as melhores estratégias para prover amparo e
suporte a quem tudo perdeu na guerra. Foi ai então que
eles começaram a montar equipes que iriam a Turquia por
15 dias, sendo assim as equipes começaram a ser montadas
e irem, as que equipes que tinham médicos, enfermeiras, psicólogos, dentistas e profissionais na área da
educação só começaram a aumentar de janeiro de
2014 a janeiro de 2018 mais de 100 voluntários foram
a Turquia e Grécia.
Em janeiro de 2018 quatro brasileiros que estavam
desde a primeira edição dessas viagens
perceberam a necessidade de não somente levar
equipes de curto prazo mas montar um projeto a
longo prazo. Eles então abriram em Istanbul um
espaço de apoio ao refugiado que prove aos
refugiados os seguintes serviços: Escola de Inglês,
Curso Jiu Jitsu, Cursos profissionalizantes
Atualmente a Borders of Love conta com 20
voluntários de longo prazo que vivem na Turquia
e atuam nas áreas citadas acima
Borders of Love is a Brazilian organization that has been operating in Turkey and Greece since 2014, focusing on aid, support and development for refugees who have lost everything in their home countries and fled for their lives. We operate in the areas of education, health and emergency aid, prioritizing children and adolescents living at risk.
In Jordan we have a Soccer Project and also a cultural space for community development with schools of: Hairdresser, culinary, Carpentry, and English.
It all started in 2014. Upon witnessing the violent situation in Syria and the growing number of displaced people due to war, a group of Brazilians decided to act. Together, they formed the first volunteer team of mixed professions and left for Turkey, the nation with the highest intake of refugees worldwide. Their intention was to make a difference in the lives of refugees.
When the team arrived in Turkey, they were shocked by
the overwhelming needs of the refugees. They started gathering data to find the best strategies to provide for
those who had lost everything during the war.
The team’s first decision was to send groups that could travel
to Turkey twice a year for 15 days at a time. Teams of doctors, nurses, psychologists, dentists and education professio-
nals assembled and started travelling regularly. Each
year, the number of volunteers increased and
between January 2014 and January 2018, more than
100 volunteers passed through Turkey and Greece.
In January 2018, four Brazilian volunteers from the
original team noticed the need for longer term pro-
jects to work alongside the short-term trips and so
moved to Turkey to open a center for refugees in
Istanbul. They offer the following services to
- English School
- Mathematics School
- School of Arts
- Jiu-Jitsu classes
- Professional training courses.
- Borders of Love currently relies on 20 long-term volunteers - living in Turkey who provide these services.